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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000846, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(de): Australian rules football
Name(fr): Football australien
Name(en-GB): Australian rules football
Name(se): Australisk fotboll
Name(ar): كرة القدم الاسترالية
Name(es): Fútbol australiano
Name(pt-PT): futebol australiano
Name(pt-BR): futebol australiano
Name(dk): australsk fodbold
Name(zh-Hans): 澳式橄榄球
Name(no-NB): australsk fotball
Name(en-US): Australian rules football
Name(no-NN): australsk fotball
Definition(de): Football der mit australischen Regeln gespielt wird
Definition(en-GB): A form of football played by two teams of 18 competing on a pitch by running with and passing an oval ball. Points are scored by moving the ball between goal posts. Governed by the Australian Football League.
Definition(se): En bollsport med oval boll som kan sägas vara en blandning mellan vanlig fotboll och rugby.
Definition(pt-PT): Tipo de futebol disputado por duas equipas de 18 jogadores em campo, que correm e passam uma bola oval. São atribuídos pontos quando a bola passa por entre os postes da baliza. É regulamentado pela Liga de Futebol Australiano.
Definition(pt-BR): Tipo de futebol disputado por duas equipes de 18 jogadores em campo, que correm e passam uma bola oval. São atribuídos pontos quando a bola passa por entre os postes do gol. É regulamentado pela Liga de Futebol Australiano.
Definition(dk): En boldsport med en oval bold, der kan siges at være en blanding mellem almindelig fodbold og rugby.
Definition(zh-Hans): 澳洲橄榄球运动。两个队。每队18人。在球场内带橄榄球跑动或传递。球带到对方球门柱内得分。由澳洲橄榄球联盟进行管理
Definition(en-US): A form of football played by two teams of 18 competing on a pitch by running with and passing an oval ball. Points are scored by moving the ball between goal posts. Governed by the Australian Football League.
Note(en-GB): 2016-04-06: definition rephrased.
Broader concept: medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:15084000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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