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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001178, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2016-08-24T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-12-17T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(en-GB): Paralympic Games
Name(se): Paralympics
Name(pt-PT): jogos paraolímpicos
Name(pt-BR): jogos paraolímpicos
Name(dk): Paralympiske Lege
Name(zh-Hans): 残疾人运动会
Name(no-NB): paralympics
Name(de): Paralympische Spiele
Name(en-US): Paralympic Games
Name(fr): Jeux paralympiques
Name(es): Juegos paralímpicos
Name(ar): ألعاب بارالمبية
Name(no-NN): paralympiske leikar
Definition(en-GB): Games for disabled athletes organised by the International Paralympic Committee and held each 4 years in winter or summer
Definition(se): Internationella idrottstävlingar för elitidrottare med funktionsnedsättning.
Definition(pt-PT): Evento desportivo internacional para atletas com deficiência organizado pelo Comité Paraolímpico Internacional e realizado a cada 4 anos no verão ou inverno.
Definition(pt-BR): Evento esportivo internacional para atletas com deficiência organizado pelo Comitê Paraolímpico Internacional e realizado a cada 4 anos no verão ou inverno.
Definition(dk): Sportslege for handicappede atleter arrangeret af Den Internationale Paralympiske Komité og afholdt hvert 4. år om vinteren eller sommeren.
Definition(zh-Hans): 国际残疾人委员会为残疾运动员组织的运动会,每四年一次,冬季或夏季
Definition(de): Vom Internationalen Paralympischen Komitee organisierte Spiele für behinderte Sportler, die alle 4 Jahre im Winter oder Sommer stattfinden
Definition(en-US): Games for disabled athletes organized by the International Paralympic Committee and held each 4 years in winter or summer
Broader concept: medtop:20001108
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20001108
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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