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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:02000000, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-05-05T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(en-GB): crime, law and justice
Name(ar): جريمة، قانون وقضاء
Name(fr): Criminalité, droit et justice
Name(se): Brott, lag och rätt
Name(es): Policía y justicia
Name(de): Justiz, Kriminalität
Name(pt-PT): crime, lei e justiça
Name(pt-BR): crime, lei e justiça
Name(dk): kriminalitet, lov og retfærdighed
Name(zh-Hans): 犯罪、法律和司法
Name(no-NB): kriminalitet, rett og rettsvesen
Name(en-US): crime, law and justice
Name(no-NN): kriminalitet, rett og rettsvesen
Definition(de): Festlegung und/oder Verlautbarung von Verhaltensregeln einer Gesellschaft, die Durchsetzung dieser Regeln, ihre Verstöße und die Bestrafung der Täter. Organisationen und Einheiten, die mit diesen Aktivitäten betraut sind
Definition(en-GB): The establishment and/or statement of the rules of behaviour in society, the enforcement of these rules, breaches of the rules, the punishment of offenders and the organisations and bodies involved in these activities
Definition(se): Etablering och/eller konstaterande av samhällets regler, dessa reglers genomförande, brott mot reglerna och bestraffning av förbrytarna. Organisationer och myndigheter inblandade i dessa aktiviteter. Brott, domstolsväsende, polis, straff, fängelse.
Definition(pt-PT): Estabelecimento e/ou declaração das regras de comportamento em sociedade, aplicação dessas regras, quebra das regras e penas para os infratores. Organizações e pessoas envolvidas nessas atividades.
Definition(pt-BR): Estabelecimento e/ou declaração das regras de comportamento em sociedade, aplicação dessas regras, quebra das regras e penas para os infratores. Organizações e pessoas envolvidas nessas atividades.
Definition(dk): Oprettelse og/eller etablering af samfundets regler, håndhævelsen af disse regler, overtrædelse af reglerne og straf for kriminelle, herunder enkel personer, grupper, organisationer og andre enheder.
Definition(zh-Hans): 制订和发布社会行为守则、执行这些守则、违反守则、惩罚违法者,以及参与这些活动的组织和机构
Definition(en-US): The establishment and/or statement of the rules of behavior in society, the enforcement of these rules, breaches of the rules, the punishment of offenders and the organizations and bodies involved in these activities
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:02000000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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