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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000030, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-09-30T12:00:00+00:00 retired: 2021-09-30T12:00:00+00:00
Name(de): Musiktheater
Name(ar): مسرح غنائي
Name(fr): Théâtre musical
Name(se): Musikteater
Name(en-GB): music theatre
Name(es): Teatro musical
Name(pt-PT): teatro musical
Name(pt-BR): teatro musical
Name(dk): musikteater
Name(zh-Hans): 音乐剧
Name(no-NB): musikal
Name(en-US): music theater
Name(no-NN): musikal
Definition(de): Ein Form der darstellenden Kunst, bei der Künstler eine Erzählung vor dem Publikum durch Lieder, Dialog und Aktivitäten vermitteln, wie etwa in Musicals und Operetten
Definition(se): Uttryck av känslor eller överförande av budskap via en historia som framförs genom dialog, musik eller fysiska uttryck, såsom musikaler och operetter.
Definition(es): Forma de arte escénico donde los artistas interpretan una obra frente a un público a través de canciones, diálogos y acciones, como musicales y operetas
Definition(en-GB): A form of performing art where live performers portray a narrative to an audience through song, dialogue and action, such as musicals and operettas
Definition(fr): Art du spectacle où les artistes interpètent une œuvre sur scène devant un public à travers la chanson, la danse, le dialogue et l'action
Definition(pt-PT): Representação de uma história através de canções, diálogo e ação, como a ópera, a opereta, as revistas musicais, os music halls.
Definition(pt-BR): Representação de uma história através de canções, diálogo e ação, como a ópera, a opereta, as revistas musicais, os music halls.
Definition(dk): En kunstform, der udtrykker følelser og budskaber gennem en historie formidlet via dialog, musik og handlinger, såsom musicals og operetter.
Definition(zh-Hans): 一种表演艺术形式,表演者在现场通过歌曲、对白和动作向观众描绘一个故事,如轻歌剧等
Definition(en-US): A form of performing art where live performers portray a narrative to an audience through song, dialog and action, such as musicals and operettas
Note(en-GB): Retired on 2021-09-30. Child terms moved up to be children of medtop:20000029 theatre.
Broader concept: medtop:20000029
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000029
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:01017001
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