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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000065, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(ar): اضطرابات اهلية
Name(en-GB): civil unrest
Name(fr): Troubles civils
Name(de): Unruhen
Name(es): Disturbios
Name(se): Oroligheter
Name(pt-PT): agitação civil
Name(pt-BR): agitação civil
Name(dk): civil urolighed
Name(zh-Hans): 内乱
Name(no-NB): demonstrasjoner og opptøyer
Name(en-US): civil unrest
Name(no-NN): demonstrasjonar og opptøyar
Definition(se): Missnöje bland befolkningen som yttrar sig som strejker, massmöten, demonstrationer eller sabotage.
Definition(es): Reuniones, huelgas, manifestaciones, disturbios u otras perturbaciones organizadas por una población para protestar por las políticas o acciones de un gobierno u otra organización
Definition(de): Kundgebungen, Streiks, Demonstrationen, Ausschreitungen oder ein anderer Aufruhr in der Bevölkerung, meist aus Protest gegen die Regierung oder gegen die Politik oder gegen Aktionen einer anderen Organisation
Definition(en-GB): Rallies, strikes, demonstrations, riots or other disturbances by a population, often in protest to a government or other organization's policies or actions
Definition(fr): Rassemblements, grèves, manifestations, émeutes ou autres perturbations menées par une population, souvent pour protester contre les politiques ou les actions d'un gouvernement ou d'une autre organisation
Definition(pt-PT): Insatisfação entre a população manifestada por comícios, greves, manifestações ou sabotagens.
Definition(pt-BR): Insatisfação entre a população geral, conforme comprovado por comícios, greves, manifestações ou sabotagens.
Definition(dk): Uro blandt befolkningen, der kommer til udtryk ved strejker, oprør, demonstrationer eller sabotage.
Definition(zh-Hans): 群众集会、罢工、示威、骚乱或其他动乱,通常是为了抗议政府或其他组织的政策或行动
Definition(en-US): Rallies, strikes, demonstrations, riots or other disturbances by a population, often in protest to a government or other organization's policies or actions
Broader concept: medtop:16000000
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:16000000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:16003000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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