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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000118, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-03-31T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): Åtal
Name(de): Anklage
Name(fr): Accusation
Name(ar): ملاحقات
Name(en-GB): prosecution and prosecutors
Name(es): Proceso judicial
Name(pt-PT): acusação
Name(pt-BR): acusação
Name(dk): retsforfølgelse
Name(zh-Hans): 起诉和控方律师
Name(no-NB): tiltale
Name(en-US): prosecution and prosecutors
Name(no-NN): tiltale
Definition(se): Åtgärder som genomförs av åklagare för att få ett utrett fall behandlat av domstol.
Definition(en-GB): The process of holding a trial against a person who is accused of a crime to determine guilt and the lawyers and legal team who argue that the accused is guilty
Definition(de): Aktivitäten und Nachforschungen von Staatsanwälten
Definition(pt-PT): Processo de realizar um julgamento contra uma pessoa acusada de um crime para determinar a sua culpa e os advogados e a equipa legal que defendem que o acusado é culpado.
Definition(pt-BR): Processo de realizar um julgamento contra uma pessoa acusada de um crime para determinar a sua culpa e os advogados e a equipe legal que defendem que o acusado é culpado.
Definition(dk): Processen med afholdelse af en retssag mod en person der er anklaget for at begå en forbrydelse.
Definition(zh-Hans): 对被控犯罪嫌疑人进行审判和定罪的过程,以及辩称被告有罪的律师和法律团队
Definition(en-US): The process of holding a trial against a person or entity who is accused of a crime to determine guilt and the lawyers and legal team who argue that the accused is guilty
Broader concept: medtop:20000106
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000106
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:02009000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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