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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000399, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-09-30T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): Religiös utbildning
Name(es): Educación religiosa
Name(ar): تربية دينية
Name(de): Religionserziehung
Name(en-GB): religious education
Name(fr): Éducation religieuse
Name(pt-PT): educação religiosa
Name(pt-BR): Educação religiosa
Name(dk): religiøs undervisning
Name(zh-Hans): 宗教教育
Name(no-NB): religionsutdanning
Name(en-US): religious education
Name(no-NN): religionsutdanning
Definition(se): Förmedling av kunskaper om en religion, vanligtvis, men inte alltid, i skolor som drivs av religiösa organisationer.
Definition(en-GB): Instruction by any faith about that faith's principles and beliefs, including Sunday school or preparation for a religious rite, such as a bar mitzvah
Definition(de): Einführung durch Gläubige in eine bestimmte oder andere Glaubensrichtungen, oft aber nicht immer in Schulen durch religiöse Institutionen.
Definition(pt-PT): Instrução religiosa ou a propósito de religiões, geralmente, mas não sempre, ministrada em escolas dirigidas por religiosos.
Definition(pt-BR): Instrução religiosa ou a propósito de religiões, geralmente, mas não sempre, ministrada em escolas dirigidas por religiosos.
Definition(dk): Formidling af viden om en religion, som regel, men ikke altid, i skoler, der drives af religiøse organisationer.
Definition(zh-Hans): 任何被信仰指导,或者关于宗教信仰或其他信仰的指导,通常但不总是在宗教机构开办的学校中进行
Definition(en-US): Instruction by any faith about that faith's principles and beliefs, including Sunday school or preparation for a religious rite, such as a bar mitzvah
Broader concept: medtop:05000000
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:05000000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:05011000
Member of scheme: