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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000427, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): Farligt avfall
Name(de): Giftstoff
Name(es): Materiales tóxicos
Name(fr): Matières dangereuses
Name(en-GB): hazardous materials
Name(ar): مواد خطيرة
Name(pt-PT): materiais perigosos
Name(pt-BR): materiais perigosos
Name(dk): farligt affald
Name(zh-Hans): 有害物质
Name(no-NB): farlig gods
Name(en-US): hazardous materials
Name(no-NN): farleg gods
Definition(se): Avfall som bedömts utgöra ett särskilt starkt hot mot miljön och därför måste omhändertas med särskild försiktighet och under särskilda bestämmelser.
Definition(de): Materialien, die für Mensch und Tier gefährlich sind, wenn diese mit ihnen in Kontakt kommen. Umfasst Radioaktivität, giftige Gase, Chemikalien, Schwermetalle, PCBs, und bestimmte pflanzliche Produkte.
Definition(en-GB): Materials that are harmful to humans or animals if they are exposed to them. Includes radiation, poison gases, chemicals, heavy metals, PCBs, and certain plant products
Definition(pt-PT): Materiais perigosos para o homem e para os animais quando expostos a eles. Inclui radiação, gases venenosos, químicos, metais pesados, PCB e certos produtos vegetais.
Definition(pt-BR): Materiais perigosos para o homem e para os animais quando expostos a eles. Inclui radiação, gases venenosos, químicos, metais pesados, PCB, certos produtos vegetais etc.
Definition(dk): Materialer, der er skadelige for mennesker og dyr, hvis de udsættes for dem. Omfatter stråling, giftgasser, kemikalier, tungmetaller, PCB og visse planteprodukter.
Definition(zh-Hans): 指人类或动物暴露其中会造成危害的物质,包括辐射、有毒气体、化学品、重金属、多氯联苯,和某些植物产品
Definition(en-US): Materials that are harmful to humans or animals if they are exposed to them. Includes radiation, poison gases, chemicals, heavy metals, PCBs, and certain plant products
Broader concept: medtop:20000424
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000424
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:06012000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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