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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000497, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-05-05T12:00:00+00:00 retired: 2021-05-05T12:00:00+00:00
Name(de): Erungenschaft
Name(es): Logros
Name(ar): انجاز
Name(se): Prestationer
Name(fr): Succès
Name(en-GB): accomplishment
Name(pt-PT): feitos
Name(pt-BR): feitos
Name(dk): præstation
Name(zh-Hans): 成就
Name(no-NB): prestasjon
Name(en-US): accomplishment
Name(no-NN): prestasjon
Definition(en-GB): Achievements by individuals or groups, animals, plants or other objects, such as winning a competitive contest etc
Definition(de): Nicht-sportliche Leistungen eines Einzelnen oder einer Gruppe, Tiere, Pflanzen oder andere Objekte, wie Gewinnen eines Wettbewerbs etc.
Definition(se): Bedrift av person eller grupp, djur, växter eller andra objekt, t ex att vinna en tävling.
Definition(pt-PT): Conquistas de indivíduos ou grupos, animais, plantas ou outros objetos, como ganhar uma competição, etc.
Definition(pt-BR): Conquistas de indivíduos ou grupos, animais, plantas ou outros objetos, como ganhar uma competição etc.
Definition(dk): Præstationer fra enkeltpersoner eller grupper, dyr, planter eller andre genstande, såsom at vinde en konkurrencepræget konkurrence.
Definition(zh-Hans): 由个人或团体,动物、植物或其他对象获得的成就,例如在比赛中获胜等
Definition(en-US): Achievements by individuals or groups, animals, plants or other objects, such as winning a competitive contest etc
Note(en-GB): 2021-05-05: Retired. Use award and prize (20000498) or record and achievement (20000499) instead.
Broader concept: medtop:08000000
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:08000000
Related concept (skos:closeMatch):subj:08003003
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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