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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000658, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-12-21T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(es): Budismo
Name(se): Buddhism
Name(fr): Bouddhisme
Name(de): Buddhismus
Name(en-GB): Buddhism
Name(ar): بوذية
Name(pt-PT): budismo
Name(pt-BR): budismo
Name(dk): buddhisme
Name(zh-Hans): 佛教
Name(no-NB): buddhisme
Name(en-US): Buddhism
Name(no-NN): buddhisme
Definition(en-GB): An Asian religion founded in the 6th century BC in India based on the teachings of the Buddha with the goal of overcoming suffering and transcending desire and the individual self to achieve nirvana
Definition(de): Eine verbreitete asiatische Religion, gegründet von Buddha im 6ten Jahrhundert vor Christus in Indien, die verkündet, dass richtiges Denken und Selbstverleugnung in einen göttlichen Geisteszustand frei von Wünschen führt.
Definition(se): En österländsk religion, grundan i Indien cirka 600 före kristus som lägger stor vikt vid frigörelsen från det världsliga. I enlighet med Buddhas lärdomar.
Definition(pt-PT): Importante religião asiática, fundada por Buda no séc. VI a.C. na Índia, que prega que o bom uso da razão e a abnegação conduzem a um estado divino sem desejo.
Definition(pt-BR): Importante religião asiática, fundada por Buda no séc. VI a.C. na Índia, que prega que o bom uso da razão e a abnegação conduzem a um estado divino sem desejo.
Definition(dk): En østlig religion, der baserer sig på Buddhas lære.
Definition(zh-Hans): 公元前6世纪由佛陀在印度创立的一种主要的亚洲宗教,宣扬正确的思想和自我否定将导致一个没有欲望的神圣国度
Definition(en-US): An Asian religion founded in the 6th century BC in India based on the teachings of the Buddha with the goal of overcoming suffering and transcending desire and the individual self to achieve nirvana
Broader concept: medtop:20000657
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000657
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:12012000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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