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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000678, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-12-21T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(es): Jainismo
Name(en-GB): Jainism
Name(ar): جاينية
Name(de): Jainismus
Name(se): Jainism
Name(fr): Jaïnisme
Name(pt-PT): jainismo
Name(pt-BR): jainismo
Name(dk): jainisme
Name(zh-Hans): 耆那教
Name(no-NB): jainisme
Name(en-US): Jainism
Name(no-NN): jainisme
Definition(de): Eine indische Religion, die einen Weg lehrt zu spiritueller Reinheit und Erleuchtung, durch einen disziplinierten Lebensstil auf der Tradition von Gewaltlosigkeit gegenüber allen Lebewesen. Begann im 7.-5. Jahrhundert vor Christus.
Definition(en-GB): A religion beginning in the 7th-5th century BC in India that teaches a path to spiritual purity and enlightenment through a disciplined mode of life founded upon the tradition of ahimsa, nonviolence to all living creatures
Definition(se): En indisk religion som är besläktad med buddhismen. Uppkom cirka 700-500 före kristus.
Definition(pt-PT): Religião da Índia que ensina o caminho para a pureza e a iluminação espirituais através de um modo de vida disciplinado fundado na tradição de ainsa, não-violência para todas as criaturas vivas. Teve origem nos séculos VII-V a.C.
Definition(pt-BR): Religião da Índia que ensina o caminho para a pureza e a iluminação espirituais através de um modo de vida disciplinado fundado na tradição de ainsa, não violência para todas as criaturas vivas. Teve origem nos séculos VII-V a.C.
Definition(dk): Jainisme er en indisk religion baseret på Mahavir Swamis forkyndelser.
Definition(zh-Hans): 印度的一种宗教,通过一种建立在对所有生物非暴力的传统基础上的有纪律的生活方式,教导人们通往精神纯洁和启蒙的道路。它开始于公元前7 -5世纪。
Definition(en-US): A religion beginning in the 7th-5th century BC in India that teaches a path to spiritual purity and enlightenment through a disciplined mode of life founded upon the tradition of ahimsa, nonviolence to all living creatures
Broader concept: medtop:20000657
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000657
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:12020000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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