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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000728, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(fr): Horticulture
Name(se): Hortikultur
Name(es): Horticultura
Name(ar): علم الاشجار
Name(de): Gartenbau
Name(en-GB): horticulture
Name(pt-PT): horticultura
Name(pt-BR): horticultura
Name(dk): havebrug
Name(zh-Hans): 园艺
Name(no-NB): hagebruk/hortikultur
Name(en-US): horticulture
Name(no-NN): hagebruk/hortikultur
Definition(se): Vetenskapen om och konsten att odla, inklusive landskapsdesign.
Definition(en-GB): The study and art of plant cultivation, including landscape and garden design and plant conservation
Definition(de): Studium und Kunst der Pflanzenzucht, einschließlich Landschafts- und Gartengestaltung und Pflanzenschutz
Definition(fr): Etude et l'art de la culture des plantes, comprenant la conception des paysages et des jardins et la conservation des plantes
Definition(es): El estudio y el arte del cultivo de plantas, incluyendo el diseño de paisajes y jardines y la conservación de plantas
Definition(pt-PT): Estudo e arte do cultivo de plantas, incluindo design paisagístico e de jardins e conservação de plantas.
Definition(pt-BR): Estudo e arte do cultivo de plantas, incluindo design paisagístico e de jardins e conservação de plantas.
Definition(dk): Undersøgelse og kunst af plantedyrkning, herunder landskabs- og havedesign og plantebeskyttelse.
Definition(zh-Hans): 植物栽培的研究和艺术,包括园林设计和植物保护
Definition(en-US): The study and art of plant cultivation, including landscape and garden design and plant conservation
Broader concept: medtop:20000717
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000717
Related concept (skos:broadMatch):subj:13004000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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