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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000742, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(ar): علوم اجتماعية
Name(se): Samhällsvetenskap
Name(fr): Sciences sociales
Name(es): Ciencias sociales
Name(de): Sozialwissenschaften
Name(en-GB): social sciences
Name(pt-PT): ciências sociais
Name(pt-BR): ciências sociais
Name(dk): samfundsvidenskab
Name(zh-Hans): 社会科学
Name(no-NB): samfunnsvitenskap
Name(en-US): social sciences
Name(no-NN): samfunnsvitskap
Definition(se): Vetenskap som studerar samhället ur olika synvinklar.
Definition(en-GB): The study of human society in such aspects as linguistics, anthropology, economics or sociology
Definition(de): Das Studium der menschlichen Gesellschaft in den Bereichen Linguistik, Anthropologie, Ökonomie und Soziologie
Definition(fr): Etude de la société humaine dans des domaines tels que la linguistique, l'anthropologie, l'économie ou la sociologie
Definition(es): El estudio de la sociedad humana en aspectos como la lingüística, la antropología, la economía o la sociología
Definition(pt-PT): Estudo da sociedade humana em aspetos como a linguística, a antropologia, a economia ou a sociologia.
Definition(pt-BR): Estudo da sociedade humana em aspectos como a linguística, a antropologia, a economia ou a sociologia.
Definition(dk): Videnskaben af det menneskelige samfund i aspekter som sprogvidenskab, antropologi, økonomi eller sociologi.
Definition(zh-Hans): 从语言学、人类学、经济学或社会学等方面研究人类社会的学科
Definition(en-US): The study of human society in such aspects as linguistics, anthropology, economics or sociology
Broader concept: medtop:13000000
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:13000000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:13003001
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