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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000760, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(en-GB): civil engineering
Name(es): Ingeniería civil
Name(de): Ingenieurwesen
Name(ar): هندسة مدنية
Name(se): Väg- och vattenbyggnadsteknik
Name(fr): Ingénierie civile
Name(pt-PT): engenharia civil
Name(pt-BR): engenharia civil
Name(dk): ingeniørvidenskab
Name(zh-Hans): 土木工程
Name(no-NB): byggeteknikk
Name(en-US): civil engineering
Name(no-NN): byggjeteknikk
Definition(en-GB): The study, design, development and construction of structures such as buildings, bridges, tunnels, irrigation and sewage systems, streets or railroads
Definition(de): Untersuchung, Planung, Entwicklung und Bau von Bauwerken wie Gebäuden, Brücken, Tunneln, Bewässerungs- und Abwassersystemen, Straßen oder Eisenbahnen
Definition(se): Vetenskap, design, utveckling och konstruktion av strukturer såsom byggnader, broar, tunnlar, bevattnings- och avloppssystem, vägar och järnvägar.
Definition(fr): Etude, conception, développement et construction de structures telles que des bâtiments, des ponts, des tunnels, des systèmes d'irrigation et d'égouts, des rues ou des voies ferrées
Definition(es): El estudio, diseño, desarrollo y construcción de estructuras tales como edificios, puentes, túneles, sistemas de irrigación y alcantarillado, calles o ferrocarriles
Definition(pt-PT): Estudo, projeto, desenvolvimento e construção de estruturas como edifícios, pontes, túneis, sistemas de irrigação, sistemas de esgoto, ruas ou vias férreas.
Definition(pt-BR): Estudo, projeto, desenvolvimento e construção de estruturas como edifícios, pontes, túneis, sistemas de irrigação, sistemas de esgoto, ruas ou ferrovias.
Definition(dk): Videnskab, design, udvikling og konstruktion af strukturer såsom bygninger, broer, tunneler, kunstvandings- og kloaksystemer, veje og jernbaner.
Definition(zh-Hans): 研究、设计、开发和建造建筑物、桥梁、隧道、灌溉和污水系统、街道或铁路等结构
Definition(en-US): The study, design, development and construction of structures such as buildings, bridges, tunnels, irrigation and sewage systems, streets or railroads
Broader concept: medtop:20000756
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000756
Related concept (skos:broadMatch):subj:13002000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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