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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000803, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(ar): سلوك غير لائق
Name(fr): Harcèlement
Name(es): Conducta abusiva
Name(se): Kränkande beteende
Name(de): Misshandlung
Name(en-GB): abusive behaviour
Name(pt-PT): maus-tratos
Name(pt-BR): maus-tratos
Name(dk): stødende eller krænkende opførsel
Name(zh-Hans): 虐待行为
Name(no-NB): overgrep
Name(en-US): abusive behavior
Name(no-NN): overgrep
Definition(se): Att behandla en eller flera personer nedsättande genom att angripa den personliga hedern i ord eller genom handling.
Definition(en-GB): Actions that intentionally harm another person or people, often on an ongoing basis, such as psychological or mental abuse, negligence, physical or sexual abuse and torture
Definition(de): Die Misshandlung einer oder mehrerer Individuen durch andere, durch unmenschliche Behandlung, sexuelle und mentale Beleidigungen, Entzug von Sinneswahrnehmungen und körperlichen Bedürfnissen, körperliche Misshandlung wie Schläge mit eingeschlossen, oder andere Formen der Folter
Definition(pt-PT): Comportamento violento ou cruel contra um ou mais indivíduos, através de tratamento desumano, incluindo abuso sexual ou mental, privação de sentidos, de necessidades físicas, abusos físicos, incluindo espancamentos e outras formas de tortura.
Definition(pt-BR): Comportamento violento ou cruel contra um ou mais indivíduos, através de tratamento desumano, incluindo abuso sexual ou mental, privação de sentidos, de necessidades físicas, abusos físicos, incluindo espancamentos e outras formas de tortura.
Definition(dk): At behandle en eller flere personer nedsættende ved at angribe dem i ord eller gennem handling.
Definition(zh-Hans): 一人或多人受到他人的虐待,包括性虐待或精神虐待、剥夺感官能力,剥夺生理需要、包括殴打在内的身体虐待和其他形式的酷刑
Definition(en-US): Actions that intentionally harm another person or people, often on an ongoing basis, such as psychological or mental abuse, negligence, physical or sexual abuse and torture
Broader concept: medtop:20000802
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000802
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:14022000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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