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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000840, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(ar): القفز بالزانة
Name(de): Stabhochsprung
Name(fr): Saut à la perche
Name(en-GB): pole vault
Name(es): Salto con pértiga
Name(se): Stavhopp
Name(pt-PT): salto à vara
Name(pt-BR): salto com vara
Name(dk): stangspring
Name(zh-Hans): 撑杆跳
Name(no-NB): stavsprang
Name(en-US): pole vault
Name(no-NN): stavsprang
Definition(se): Med hjälp av en stav ska de tävlande ta sig över så hög höjd som möjligt.
Definition(en-GB): Competitors use a flexible pole to propel themselves feet-first into the air and clear a bar which is raised higher at each round of jumps.
Definition(de): Wettkämpfer benutzen einen flexiblen Stab, mit dem sie sich selbst in die Luft befördern und eine Latte überspringen, die in jeder Runde höher gehängt wird
Definition(pt-PT): Prova em que os atletas usam uma vara flexível para se projetarem com os pés para o ar e transpor uma barra horizontal que é subida a cada ronda de saltos. Ganha quem atingir a marca mais alta.
Definition(pt-BR): Prova em que os atletas usam uma vara flexível para se projetarem com os pés para o ar e transpor uma barra horizontal que é subida a cada ronda de saltos. Ganha quem atingir a marca mais alta.
Definition(dk): Ved hjælp af en stang skal deltagerne nå en så høj højde som muligt.
Definition(zh-Hans): 参赛者使用一根柔韧的杆子将自己的脚朝上地升到空中并越过横杆,在每轮跳跃横杆都会升高高度
Definition(en-US): Competitors use a flexible pole to propel themselves feet-first into the air and clear a bar which is raised higher at each round of jumps.
Broader concept: medtop:20000827
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000827
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:15005020
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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