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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000888, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(ar): كريكيت
Name(es): Cricket
Name(de): Kricket
Name(en-GB): cricket
Name(fr): Cricket
Name(se): Cricket
Name(pt-PT): críquete
Name(pt-BR): críquete
Name(dk): cricket
Name(zh-Hans): 板球
Name(no-NB): cricket
Name(en-US): cricket
Name(no-NN): cricket
Definition(en-GB): Ball sport involving two teams of 11 players, balls, bats and wickets. The aim is to score as many runs as possible, and to get the opposing team 'out'. A 'run' involves a player running between two wickets. The opposing team try to get their rivals 'out'
Definition(se): En bollsport som spelas på gräs med boll och slagträ.
Definition(de): Ballsport mit zwei Teams je 11 Spielern, Bälle, Schlagholz und Pfostentoren. Das Ziel ist so viele Tore wie möglich zu durchschlagen und das andere Team rauszuschmeißen. Ein 'Run' beinhaltet das Rennen eines Spielers zwischen den Pfostentoren. Das gegnerische Team versucht die Konkurrenten rauszuschmeißen
Definition(pt-PT): Jogo de bola e taco entre duas equipas de 11 jogadores. Joga-se em campo relvado, amplo e de formato oval. O objetivo é marcar o maior número de corridas, impedindo corridas e eliminando batedores da equipa adversária.
Definition(pt-BR): Jogo de bola e taco entre duas equipes de 11 jogadores. Joga-se em campo de grama, amplo e de formato oval. O objetivo é marcar o maior número de corridas, impedindo corridas e eliminando batedores da equipe adversária.
Definition(dk): En boldsport, der spilles på græs med bold og boldtræ.
Definition(zh-Hans): 对抗性球类运动,包括两队各11名球员,球、球棒和三柱门。目标是尽可能多地通过“跑动”得分,让对手出局。“跑动”是指球员在两个三柱门之间跑动。每方球队都试图让对手“出局”
Definition(en-US): Ball sport involving two teams of 11 players, balls, bats and wickets. The aim is to score as many runs as possible, and to get the opposing team 'out'. A 'run' involves a player running between two wickets. The opposing team try to get their rivals 'out'
Broader concept: medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:15017000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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