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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000939, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(en-GB): Gaelic football
Name(ar): كرة قدم ايرلندية
Name(fr): Football gaélique
Name(es): Fútbol gaélico
Name(de): Gaelic football
Name(se): Gaelisk fotboll
Name(pt-PT): futebol gaélico
Name(pt-BR): futebol gaélico
Name(dk): gælisk fodbold
Name(zh-Hans): 爱尔兰式橄榄球
Name(no-NB): gælisk fotball
Name(en-US): Gaelic football
Name(no-NN): gælisk fotball
Definition(de): Ein Spiel mit Ursprung in Irland, wo zwei Teams von fünfzehn ein Tor schießen, entweder durch den Ball oder Schlag mit der Hand. Das Team mit den meisten Punkten gewinnt.
Definition(en-GB): A form of football played by two teams of 15 competing on a pitch by running with, kicking and passing a spherical ball. Points are scored by moving the ball between goal posts. Governed by the Gaelic Athletic Association.
Definition(se): Bollsport med 15-mannalag. Mindre och hårdare boll än i fotboll. Bollen får passas både med fot och hand. Stor sport på Irland.
Definition(pt-PT): Tipo de futebol disputado por duas equipas de 15 jogadores que competem num campo, correndo, chutando e passando com as mãos uma bola esférica. Os pontos são marcados quando a bola passa entre os postes da baliza. É regulamentado pela Associação Atlética Gaélica.
Definition(pt-BR): Tipo de futebol disputado por duas equipes de 15 jogadores que competem em um gramado, correndo, chutando e passando com as mãos uma bola esférica. Os pontos são marcados quando a bola passa entre os postes do gol. É regulamentado pela Associação Atlética Gaélica.
Definition(dk): Boldsport med 15-mand hold. Mindre og hårdere bold end i fodbold. Bolden kan afleveres både med fod og hånd. Stor sport i Irland.
Definition(zh-Hans): 这是一支两队各15人组成的橄榄球队,他们在球场上通过跑动,踢球,传球进行对抗。 通过把球穿过球门柱之间来得分。 由盖尔运动协会管理
Definition(en-US): A form of football played by two teams of 15 competing on a pitch by running with, kicking and passing a spherical ball. Points are scored by moving the ball between goal posts. Governed by the Gaelic Athletic Association.
Note(en-GB): 2016-04-06: definition rephrased.
Broader concept: medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:broadMatch):subj:15000000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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