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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000940, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): Golf
Name(de): Golf
Name(es): Golf
Name(fr): Golf
Name(ar): غولف
Name(en-GB): golf
Name(pt-PT): golfe
Name(pt-BR): golfe
Name(dk): golf
Name(zh-Hans): 高尔夫
Name(no-NB): golf
Name(en-US): golf
Name(no-NN): golf
Definition(se): Spelarna slår på en liten hård boll med olika klubbor runt en bana med normalt 18 hål av varierande längd och svårighet. Minst antal slag vinner. Banorna kan ha hinder i form av tjockt gräs, vatten och sand.
Definition(en-GB): A game to hit a small hard ball with different clubs around a course of typically 18 holes varying in distance and during a round. The object, depending on the scoring formulae, is to make the fewest strokes possible
Definition(de): Wettkämpfer versuchen einen kleinen weißen Ball mit verschiedenen Schlägern in einem Gelände mit 18 Löchern auf verschiedenen Distanzen einzulochen. Das Ziel ist die wenigsten Schläge zu benötigen
Definition(pt-PT): Jogo em que os participantes batem uma pequena bola branca com diferentes tacos ao longo de um campo de 18 buracos, que variam em distância. O objetivo é fazer a bola entrar nos buracos com o menor número possível de tacadas.
Definition(pt-BR): Jogo em que os participantes batem uma pequena bola branca com diferentes tacos ao longo de um campo de 18 buracos, que variam em distância. O objetivo é fazer a bola entrar nos buracos com o menor número possível de tacadas.
Definition(dk): Spillerne rammer en lille hård bold med forskellige køller rundt om en bane med normalt 18 huller af forskellig længde og vanskelighed. Minimum antal slag vinder. Banerne kan have forhindringer i form af græs, vand og sand.
Definition(zh-Hans): 这是一项用不同球杆击打小型硬球进洞的比赛,比赛一轮通常有18个球洞,距离不等。 胜负取决于评分公式,目标是用最少的杆数完成进洞
Definition(en-US): A game to hit a small hard ball with different clubs around a course of typically 18 holes varying in distance and during a round. The object, depending on the scoring formulae, is to make the fewest strokes possible
Broader concept: medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:15027000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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