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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001145, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2012-10-04T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-07-12T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): Värnplikt
Name(en-GB): military service
Name(de): Militärdienst
Name(pt-PT): serviço militar
Name(pt-BR): serviço militar
Name(dk): værnepligt/militærtjeneste
Name(zh-Hans): 服兵役
Name(no-NB): militærtjeneste
Name(en-US): military service
Name(fr): Service militaire
Name(es): Servicio militar
Name(ar): خدمة عسكرية
Name(no-NN): militærteneste
Definition(en-GB): Service by an individual in an army or militia. Service may be on a volunteer basis or a result of an involuntary draft or government requirement.
Definition(de): Verpflichtender Dienst beim nationalen Militär für eine begrenzte Zeit
Definition(se): Medborgares skyldighet att utbilda sig för att delta i sitt lands militära försvar.
Definition(pt-PT): Serviço obrigatório nas forças militares nacionais por um período limitado de tempo.
Definition(pt-BR): Serviço obrigatório nas forças militares nacionais por um período limitado de tempo.
Definition(dk): Obligatorisk tjeneste for borgerne ved det nationale militær i en begrænset periode.
Definition(zh-Hans): 在国家军队强制服役一段有限的时间
Definition(en-US): Service by an individual in an army or militia. Service may be on a volunteer basis or a result of an involuntary draft or government requirement.
Broader concept: medtop:20000599
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000599
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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