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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001152, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2014-04-11T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-07-12T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(en-GB): artistic gymnastics
Name(se): Artistisk gymnastik
Name(de): Kunstturnen
Name(pt-PT): ginástica artística
Name(pt-BR): ginástica artística
Name(dk): redskabsgymnastik
Name(zh-Hans): 竞技体操
Name(no-NB): turn
Name(en-US): artistic gymnastics
Name(fr): Gymnastique artistique
Name(es): Gimnasia artística
Name(ar): جمباز فني
Name(no-NN): turn
Definition(en-GB): Gymnasts perform artistic and acrobatic moves on different apparatus. There are 6 events for men and 4 for women
Definition(de): Turner zeigen artistische und akrobatische Figuren an unterschiedlichen Geräten. Es gibt 6 Disziplinen für Männer und 4 für Frauen.
Definition(se): De tävlande utför rörelser på olika redskap och bedöms av domare.
Definition(pt-PT): Modalidade de ginástica em que os atletas realizam movimentos artísticos e acrobáticos em diferentes aparelhos. Existem 6 disciplinas para homens e 4 disciplinas para mulheres.
Definition(pt-BR): Modalidade de ginástica em que os atletas realizam movimentos artísticos e acrobáticos em diferentes aparelhos. Existem 6 disciplinas para homens e 4 disciplinas para mulheres.
Definition(dk): Deltagerne udfører bevægelser på forskellige redskaber og bedømmes af dommere.
Definition(zh-Hans): 体操运动员在不同的器械上表演艺术和杂技动作。 男子有6个项目,女子有4个项目
Definition(en-US): Gymnasts perform artistic and acrobatic moves on different apparatus. There are 6 events for men and 4 for women
Broader concept: medtop:20000942
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000942
Related concept (ikos:hasFacet):aspfacet:artisticgymtype
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
Member of scheme: