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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001185, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2019-04-06T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-07-12T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): R&B
Name(en-GB): r&b
Name(pt-PT): R&B
Name(pt-BR): R&B
Name(dk): r&b
Name(zh-Hans): r&b(节奏蓝调)
Name(no-NB): r&b
Name(de): Rhythm & Blues
Name(en-US): r&b
Name(fr): R&B
Name(es): R&B
Name(ar): موسيقى ريذم أند بلوز
Name(no-NN): r&b
Definition(se): En musikstil som utvecklades bland afro-amerikaner under 1940-talet. Benämningen har levt kvar, men skiftat i betydelse.
Definition(en-GB): A genre of music originated in African American communities in the 1940s and featuring soulful vocals
Definition(pt-PT): Género musical surgido em comunidades afro-americanas nos anos 1940 e com coros emotivos, cheios de alma.
Definition(pt-BR): Gênero musical surgido em comunidades afro-americanas nos anos 1940 e com coros emotivos, cheios de alma.
Definition(dk): En musikalsk stil udviklet blandt afroamerikanere i løbet af 1940'erne.
Definition(zh-Hans): 又译节奏布鲁斯。起源于20世纪40年代的非裔美国人社区,以深情的歌声为特色的音乐类型
Definition(de): Eine Musikgattung, die in den 1940er Jahren in afroamerikanischen Gemeinschaften entstand und sich durch gefühlvollen Gesang auszeichnet.
Definition(en-US): A genre of music originated in African American communities in the 1940s and featuring soulful vocals
Broader concept: medtop:20000021
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000021
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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