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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001193, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2019-04-06T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2024-07-01T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(dk): sexchikane
Name(en-GB): sexual misconduct
Name(no-NB): seksuell trakassering
Name(pt-BR): má conduta sexual
Name(pt-PT): má conduta sexual
Name(se): Sexuellt ofredande
Name(zh-Hans): 性行为不端
Name(de): sexuelles Fehlverhalten
Name(en-US): sexual misconduct
Name(fr): Harcèlement sexuel
Name(es): Acoso sexual
Name(ar): تحرش جنسي
Name(no-NN): seksuell trakassering
Definition(dk): Uønsket adfærd af seksuel karakter, der er af mindre fornærmelse end seksualforbrydelse, især når adfærd forekommer i en normalt ikke-seksuel situation, eller hvor der er et aspekt af personlig magt eller autoritet involveret.
Definition(en-GB): Unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature that is of lesser offense than felony sexual assault, particularly when behaviour occurs in a normally non-sexual situation, or where there is some aspect of personal power or authority involved
Definition(pt-BR): Comportamento indesejado de natureza sexual que constitui uma ofensa menor do que a agressão sexual dolosa, particularmente quando o comportamento ocorre em contexto normalmente não sexual, ou quando há algum aspecto de poder ou autoridade pessoal envolvido.
Definition(pt-PT): Comportamento indesejado de natureza sexual que constitui uma ofensa menor do que a agressão sexual dolosa, particularmente quando o comportamento ocorre em contexto normalmente não sexual, ou quando há algum aspeto de poder ou autoridade pessoal envolvido.
Definition(se): Oönskade sexuella inviter, meddelanden, beröring, blottande osv.
Definition(zh-Hans): 一种不受欢迎的性行为,其罪行较重罪性侵犯轻,特别是当行为发生在正常的非性行为的情况下,或者涉及到个人权力或权威的某一方面时
Definition(de): Unerwünschtes Verhalten sexueller Natur, das weniger strafbar ist als schwere sexuelle Übergriffe, insbesondere wenn das Verhalten in einer normalerweise nicht-sexuellen Situation auftritt oder wenn ein Aspekt persönlicher Macht oder Autorität involviert ist
Definition(en-US): Unwanted behavior of a sexual nature that is of lesser offense than felony sexual assault, particularly when behavior occurs in a normally non-sexual situation, or where there is some aspect of personal power or authority involved
Broader concept: medtop:20000802
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000802
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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