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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001196, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2019-04-06T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-07-12T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): Trafikbrott
Name(en-GB): reckless driving
Name(pt-PT): infração de trânsito
Name(pt-BR): infração de trânsito
Name(dk): færdselsovertrædelser
Name(zh-Hans): 野蛮驾驶
Name(no-NB): trafikklovbrudd
Name(de): Verkehrsdelikte
Name(en-US): reckless driving
Name(fr): Conduite dangereuse
Name(es): Conducción peligrosa
Name(ar): مخالفة مرور
Name(no-NN): trafikklovbrot
Definition(en-GB): Serious traffic violations that are likely to, or have led to, the endangerment, injury or death of a person or persons, or the endangerment of or significant property damage
Definition(se): Händelser i trafiken som lett fram till skador, eller kunnat leda fram till skador, där den ansvarige uppträtt brottsligt. Till skillnad från rena olyckshändelser.
Definition(pt-PT): Infrações rodoviárias graves que possam causar, ou que causaram, possível perigo, ferimento ou morte de pessoa ou pessoas, ou possível perigo ou danos significativos de propriedade.
Definition(pt-BR): Infrações rodoviárias graves que possam causar, ou que causaram, possível perigo, ferimento ou morte de pessoa ou pessoas, ou possível perigo ou danos significativos de propriedade.
Definition(dk): Ulovlige handlinger i trafikken.
Definition(zh-Hans): 可能或已导致人身伤亡、财产遭受重大损毁的严重交通违法行为
Definition(de): Schwere Verkehrsverstöße, die zur Gefährdung, Verletzung oder zum Tod einer Person oder von Personen oder zur Gefährdung oder zu erheblichen Sachschäden führen können oder geführt haben.
Definition(en-US): Serious traffic violations that are likely to, or have led to, the endangerment, injury or death of a person or persons, or the endangerment of or significant property damage
Broader concept: medtop:20000082
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000082
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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