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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001198, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2019-04-06T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-07-12T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): Rättspsykiatrisk vård
Name(en-GB): court-ordered psychiatric treatment
Name(pt-PT): tratamento psiquiátrico por ordem judicial
Name(pt-BR): tratamento psiquiátrico por ordem judicial
Name(dk): psykiatrisk behandlingsdom
Name(zh-Hans): 法院强制精神治疗
Name(no-NB): tvungent psykisk helsevern
Name(de): gerichtlich angeordnete psychiatrische Behandlung
Name(en-US): court-ordered psychiatric treatment
Name(fr): Traitement psychiatrique ordonné par le tribunal
Name(es): Tratamiento psiquiátrico ordenado por el tribunal
Name(ar): علاج نفسي بأمر قضائي
Name(no-NN): tvunge psykisk helsevern
Definition(en-GB): Psychiatric treatment imposed upon persons with mental health conditions in prisons and jails or as a condition of probation, supervision or parole
Definition(se): Dom som innebär att den dömde tvingas till någon form av psykiatrisk vård och den exakta tiden hänger på hur vården fungerar och läkares bedömning.
Definition(pt-PT): Tratamento psiquiátrico imposto a pessoas com problemas de saúde mental em prisões e cadeias ou como condição de liberdade condicional ou de supervisão.
Definition(pt-BR): Tratamento psiquiátrico imposto a pessoas com problemas de saúde mental em prisões e cadeias ou como condição de liberdade condicional ou de supervisão.
Definition(dk): Dom, hvor retten i stedet for almindelig straf dømmer en psykisk syg kriminel til psykiatrisk behandling.
Definition(zh-Hans): 监狱和拘留所对有精神健康问题的在押人员进行的精神治疗,或者作为缓刑、监管或假释的条件
Definition(de): Psychiatrische Behandlung, die Personen mit psychischen Erkrankungen in Gefängnissen oder als Bedingung für Bewährung, Überwachung oder Bewährung auferlegt wird
Definition(en-US): Psychiatric treatment imposed upon persons with mental health conditions in prisons and jails or as a condition of probation, supervision or parole
Broader concept: medtop:20000134
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000134
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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