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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001199, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2019-04-06T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-07-12T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): Villkorlig dom
Name(en-GB): suspended sentence
Name(pt-PT): pena suspensa
Name(pt-BR): suspensão da pena
Name(dk): betinget dom
Name(zh-Hans): 缓刑
Name(no-NB): betinget dom
Name(de): Bewährungsstrafe
Name(en-US): suspended sentence
Name(fr): Sursis
Name(es): Suspensión de la pena
Name(ar): حكم مع وقف التنفيذ
Name(no-NN): dom på vilkår
Definition(en-GB): Legal arrangement where a judge delays the serving of a sentence by a person who has been found guilty of a crime in order to give them a probationary period
Definition(se): Brottspåföljd för ett brott där påföljden inte bedöms kunna stanna vid böter men den dömde inte behöver avtjäna straffet i fängelse.
Definition(pt-PT): Disposição legal que permite que um juiz suspenda, mediante condições, o cumprimento de uma sentença por uma pessoa que tenha sido considerada culpada de um crime.
Definition(pt-BR): Disposição legal que permite que um juiz suspenda, mediante condições, o cumprimento de uma sentença por uma pessoa que tenha sido considerada culpada de um crime.
Definition(dk): En dom, hvor den dømte kendes skyldig, men hvor vedkommende på bestemte vilkår ikke skal afsone straffen.
Definition(zh-Hans): 法律上的一种安排,延缓刑期执行,以便给予犯罪人一个考验期
Definition(de): Rechtliche Regelung für den Fall, dass ein Richter die Verbüßung einer Strafe durch eine Person, die eines Verbrechens für schuldig befunden wurde, hinauszögert, um ihr eine Bewährungsfrist zu geben
Definition(en-US): Legal arrangement where a judge delays the serving of a sentence by a person who has been found guilty of a crime in order to give them a probationary period
Broader concept: medtop:20000134
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000134
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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