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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001216, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2019-04-06T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-09-30T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): Yrkesutbildning
Name(en-GB): vocational education
Name(pt-PT): ensino profissional
Name(pt-BR): ensino profissional
Name(dk): erhvervsuddannelse
Name(zh-Hans): 职业教育
Name(no-NB): yrkesutdanning
Name(de): Berufsausbildung
Name(en-US): vocational education
Name(fr): Enseignement professionnel
Name(es): Educación vocacional
Name(ar): تعليم مهني
Name(no-NN): yrkesutdanning
Definition(en-GB): Education that provides students with practical experience and training in a particular occupational field. It is sometimes referred to as career education or technical education
Definition(se): Utbildning som är planerad och genomförs för att ge de studerande kunskaper att direkt kunna utföra ett specifikt yrke.
Definition(pt-PT): Educação que prepara os alunos, fornece experiência prática e treino num campo ocupacional específico. Por vezes é designada por educação profissional ou educação técnica.
Definition(pt-BR): Educação que prepara os alunos, fornece experiência prática e treinamento em um campo ocupacional específico. Por vezes é designada por educação profissional ou educação técnica.
Definition(dk): Uddannelse, der er planlagt og implementeret for at give de studerende viden om at kunne udføre et specifikt erhverv direkte.
Definition(zh-Hans): 提供特定职业领域的实践经验和培训来培养学生的教育,有时被称为职业教育或技术教育
Definition(de): Eine Ausbildung, die die Studenten vorbereitet, bietet praktische Erfahrung und Ausbildung in einem bestimmten Berufsfeld. Sie wird manchmal auch als Berufsausbildung oder technische Ausbildung bezeichnet
Definition(en-US): Education that provides students with practical experience and training in a particular occupational field. It is sometimes referred to as career education or technical education
Broader concept: medtop:05000000
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:05000000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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