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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001226, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2019-04-06T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2022-06-14T12:00:00+00:00 retired: 2022-06-14T12:00:00+00:00
Name(se): Kirurgi (inriktning)
Name(en-GB): surgical medicine
Name(pt-PT): medicina cirúrgica
Name(pt-BR): medicina cirúrgica
Name(dk): kirurgisk medicin
Name(zh-Hans): 外科
Name(no-NB): kirurgisk medisin
Name(de): Chirurgische Medizin
Name(en-US): surgical medicine
Name(fr): Chirurgie
Name(es): Cirugía
Name(ar): الجراحة العامة
Name(no-NN): kirurgisk medisin
Definition(en-GB): A medical specialisation that focuses on the treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision or manipulation, especially with instruments
Definition(se): Sjukvård där någon form av ingrepp i kroppen sker för att avlägsna skadade delar, eller reparera skadade saker.
Definition(pt-PT): Especialidade médica que se dedica ao tratamento de lesões ou traumatismos por meio de incisão ou manipulação, especialmente com instrumentos, no corpo do paciente.
Definition(pt-BR): Especialidade médica que se dedica ao tratamento de lesões ou traumatismos por meio de incisão ou manipulação, especialmente com instrumentos, no corpo do paciente.
Definition(dk): Medicinsk pleje, hvor enhver form for intervention i kroppen udføres for at fjerne beskadigede dele eller reparere beskadigede ting.
Definition(zh-Hans): 专注于通过手术切口或操作,特别是用器械治疗身体损伤或疾病的医学专业
Definition(de): Eine medizinische Spezialisierung, die sich auf die Behandlung von Verletzungen oder Störungen des Körpers durch Einschnitte oder Manipulation, insbesondere mit Instrumenten, konzentriert.
Definition(en-US): A medical specialization that focuses on the treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision or manipulation, especially with instruments
Note(en-GB): Retired. Use medtop:20001228 surgery instead.
Broader concept: medtop:20000487
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000487
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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