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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000485, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2022-06-14T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): Vårdyrken
Name(en-GB): medical profession
Name(es): Profesión médica
Name(ar): مهنة طبية
Name(de): Medizin
Name(fr): Profession médicale
Name(pt-PT): profissão médica
Name(pt-BR): profissão médica
Name(dk): sundhedspersonale
Name(zh-Hans): 医疗职业
Name(no-NB): helse- og omsorgsyrker
Name(en-US): medical profession
Name(no-NN): helse- og omsorgsyrke
Definition(de): Beruf, der ein spezielles Studium in Diagnostik, Behandlung Pflege und Prävention von Krankheiten, Verletzungen und medizinische Bedingungen verlangt.
Definition(se): Profession som kräver formell träning i studiet, diagnosticeringen, behandlingen och förebyggandet av sjukdom eller skada.
Definition(en-GB): Profession requiring formal training in the study, diagnosis, treatment, care and prevention of disease, medical condition or injury
Definition(pt-PT): Profissão que requer formação formal no estudo, diagnóstico, tratamento, cuidado e prevenção de doenças, condições médicas ou lesões.
Definition(pt-BR): Profissão que requer formação formal no estudo, diagnóstico, tratamento, cuidado e prevenção de doenças, condições médicas ou lesões.
Definition(dk): Erhverv, der kræver formel træning i undersøgelsen, diagnose, behandling, pleje og forebyggelse af sygdom, medicinsk tilstand eller skade.
Definition(zh-Hans): 需要在研究、诊断、治疗、护理和预防疾病、疾病病情或损伤方面接受正规培训的职业
Definition(en-US): Profession requiring formal training in the study, diagnosis, treatment, care and prevention of disease, medical condition or injury
Broader concept: medtop:07000000
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:07000000
Related concept (skos:broadMatch):subj:07006000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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