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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000959, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(ar): هورنوس
Name(se): Hornussen
Name(es): Hornuss
Name(fr): Hornuss
Name(en-GB): hornuss
Name(de): Hornussen
Name(pt-PT): hornuss
Name(pt-BR): hornuss
Name(dk): hornuss
Name(zh-Hans): 嗡嗡球
Name(no-NB): hornussen
Name(en-US): hornuss
Name(no-NN): hornussen
Definition(se): Schweizisk lagsport där en puck slås iväg i hög hastighet. Påminner lite om baseboll.
Definition(de): Schweizer Mannschaftsportart mit 16 oder 18 Spielern pro Team. Eine gummierte Scheibe (Hornuss) muss ins Feld der gegnerischen Mannschaft geschlagen werden, die versucht den Hornuss in der Luft mit einem hölzernen Abwehrbrett (Schindel) abzufangen
Definition(en-GB): Swiss team sport with 16 or 18 men per team. A rubber puck is hit towards the field of the adversary team which tries to hit the puck in the air with a wooden board thrown in the air
Definition(pt-PT): Desporto suíço de equipa, com 16 a 18 pessoas por equipa, que tentam lançar para o campo adversário um disco de borracha com um painel de madeira.
Definition(pt-BR): Esporte de equipe suíço, com 16 a 18 pessoas por equipe, que tentam lançar para o campo adversário um disco de borracha com um painel de madeira.
Definition(dk): Schweizisk holdsport, hvor en puck bliver slået i høj hastighed. Minder lidt om baseball.
Definition(zh-Hans): 流行于瑞士的16人或18人集体项目。其中一队向对方球场地投一个橡胶小球,另一方抛起木板努力将小球在空中击落
Definition(en-US): Swiss team sport with 16 or 18 men per team. A rubber puck is hit towards the field of the adversary team which tries to hit the puck in the air with a wooden board thrown in the air
Broader concept: medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:15087000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
Member of scheme: