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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001057, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(se): Alpint
Name(fr): Ski alpin
Name(ar): تزلج
Name(de): Ski alpin
Name(es): Esquí alpino
Name(en-GB): alpine skiing
Name(pt-PT): esqui alpino
Name(pt-BR): esqui alpino
Name(dk): alpint skiløb
Name(zh-Hans): 高山滑雪
Name(no-NB): alpint
Name(en-US): alpine skiing
Name(no-NN): alpint
Definition(en-GB): Racing downhill on snow-covered slopes using alpine techniques and equipment. The slopes contain intermediate gates which are spaced according to the discipline involved.
Definition(de): Abfahrtsschnelllauf auf schneebedeckten Pisten. Die Hänge haben verschiedene Tore, deren Abstand abhängig ist von der jeweiligen Disziplin
Definition(se): Tävling nedför snöklädda backar genom att använda alpin teknik och utrustning. Backarna har markerade portar som är utplacerade olika beroende på vilken sorts utförsåkning det gäller.
Definition(pt-PT): Esquiar por uma encosta abaixo, em pistas cobertas de neve, usando técnicas e equipamento alpinos. As pistas têm pórticos espaçados de acordo com a disciplina envolvida.
Definition(pt-BR): Esquiar por uma encosta abaixo, em pistas cobertas de neve, usando técnicas e equipamento alpinos. As pistas têm pórticos espaçados de acordo com a disciplina envolvida.
Definition(dk): Skiløb i snedækket skrående bjergterræn ved hjælp af alpin teknik og udstyr. Pisterne har markerede porte, der er anbragt forskelligt afhængigt af typen skiløb.
Definition(zh-Hans): 使用高山滑雪技术和设备从山坡雪道滑下。雪道上根据项目不同设置必须通过的门
Definition(en-US): Racing downhill on snow-covered slopes using alpine techniques and equipment. The slopes contain intermediate gates which are spaced according to the discipline involved.
Broader concept: medtop:20001056
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20001056
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:15002000
Related concept (ikos:hasFacet):aspfacet:alpineskiingtype
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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