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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000069, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(es): Disturbios
Name(ar): شغب
Name(se): Upplopp
Name(de): Ausschreitung
Name(fr): Emeutes
Name(en-GB): riot
Name(pt-PT): motins
Name(pt-BR): motins
Name(dk): optøjer
Name(zh-Hans): 暴乱
Name(no-NB): opptøyer
Name(en-US): riot
Name(no-NN): opptøyar
Definition(de): Gewalttätige, zerstörerische Aktionen des zivilen Ungehorsams durch Personengruppen, oft in Reaktion auf einen Missstand oder als aktiver Widerstand, meist mit Verletzungen von Personen verbunden
Definition(se): Tillfälligt våldsamt uppträdande av folkmassa utanför myndigheternas kontroll.
Definition(es): Eventos violentos y destructivos de desorden civil por grupos de personas, por lo general en respuesta a un agravio o como actos de oposición, causando frecuentamente heridas a personas y destrucción de propiedad
Definition(fr): Troubles de l'ordre public provoqués par des groupes de personnes, en réponse à un grief ou pour faire acte d'opposition, provoquant souvent des violences, des blessures et des destructions de biens
Definition(en-GB): Violent, destructive events of civil disorder by groups of people, usually in response to a grievance or as acts of opposition, often involving injury to individuals and destruction of property
Definition(pt-PT): Manifestações violentas e destrutivas de desordem civil, frequentemente envolvendo feridos e destruição de propriedade.
Definition(pt-BR): Manifestações violentas e destrutivas de desordem civil, frequentemente envolvendo feridos e destruição de propriedade.
Definition(dk): Midlertidig voldelig opførsel af menneskegrupper uden for myndighedernes kontrol.
Definition(zh-Hans): 由一群人制造的暴力的、破坏性的公众骚乱事件,通常是为发泄不满和表示抗议,常常造成对个人的伤害和财产的破坏
Definition(en-US): Violent, destructive events of civil disorder by groups of people, usually in response to a grievance or as acts of opposition, often involving injury to individuals and destruction of property
Broader concept: medtop:20000065
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000065
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:16007000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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