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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000528, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired: 2019-10-07T12:00:00+00:00
Name(ar): عقد عمل/قواعد العمل
Name(en-GB): contract issue-work rules
Name(de): Manteltarifvertrag
Name(se): Arbetstidsavtal
Name(fr): Règlement intérieur d'entreprises
Name(es): Contratos/normas de trabajo
Name(pt-PT): questões contratuais laborais
Name(pt-BR): questões contratuais trabalhistas
Name(dk): kontraktligt problem - arbejdsregel
Name(zh-Hans): 工作规则合同
Name(no-NB): personalhåndbok
Name(en-US): contract issue-work rules
Name(no-NN): personalhandbok
Definition(se): Avtal om arbetstid, t ex längd, förläggning eller avbrott i arbetet för vila.
Definition(de): Teile des Tarifvertrages und der Tarifverhandlungen, die sich auf die Versorgung, Pausenregelung, Urlaubsregelung, Arbeitszeit, Krankmeldung etc. beziehen.
Definition(en-GB): Element of contracts and contract discussions centring on rules affecting issues such as lunch and other breaks, work shifts, vacation scheduling, seniority, sick leave etc.
Definition(pt-PT): Elementos e discussões contratuais sobre regras relacionadas com questões como almoço e outras pausas, turnos, marcação de férias, antiguidade, licença por doença, etc.
Definition(pt-BR): Elementos e discussões contratuais sobre regras relacionadas com questões como almoço e outras pausas, turnos, marcação de férias, antiguidade, licença por doença etc.
Definition(dk): Aftaler om arbejdstid, f.eks. længde, placering eller afbrydelse af arbejdet for hvile.
Definition(zh-Hans): 合同的讨论集中在规则影响等问题,如午餐和其他休息时间,轮班工作问题,假期安排问题,工龄问题、病假问题等
Definition(en-US): Element of contracts and contract discussions centering on rules affecting issues such as lunch and other breaks, work shifts, vacation scheduling, seniority, sick leave etc.
Broader concept: medtop:20000525
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000525
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:09002003
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