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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000807, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(es): Esclavitud
Name(ar): عبودية
Name(de): Sklaverei
Name(se): Slaveri
Name(en-GB): slavery
Name(fr): Esclavage
Name(pt-PT): escravatura
Name(pt-BR): escravatura
Name(dk): slaveri
Name(zh-Hans): 奴役
Name(no-NB): slaveri
Name(en-US): slavery
Name(no-NN): slaveri
Definition(de): Die unfreiwillige Knechtschaft, außerhalb legaler Inhaftierung wegen krimineller Straftaten, von Männern, Frauen und Kindern, schließt unfreiwillige unbezahlte Arbeit, erzwungenes Verhalten und Kinderarbeit mit ein
Definition(en-GB): The ownership of people as property, and the involuntary servitude of those people to their owners, which includes unpaid labour and coerced actions
Definition(se): System med personlig ofrihet och rättslöshet inklusive ofrivilligt obetalt arbete och barnarbete.
Definition(pt-PT): Submissão involuntária, fora do encarceramento legal por crimes passíveis de punição, de homens, mulheres e crianças, incluindo trabalho involuntário não remunerado, atos de coerção, trabalho infantil.
Definition(pt-BR): Submissão involuntária, fora do encarceramento legal por crimes passíveis de punição, de homens, mulheres e crianças, incluindo trabalho involuntário não remunerado, atos de coerção, trabalho infantil.
Definition(dk): Systemer med personlig ufrihed og lovløshed, herunder ufrivilligt ulønnet arbejde og børnearbejde.
Definition(zh-Hans): 男子、妇女和儿童在法定刑事犯监禁之外的非自愿劳役,包括非自愿无偿劳动、胁迫行为、童工
Definition(en-US): The ownership of people as property, and the involuntary servitude of those people to their owners, which includes unpaid labor and coerced actions
Broader concept: medtop:20000802
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000802
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:14021000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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