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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20000854, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2022-02-03T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(en-GB): bobsleigh
Name(fr): Bobsleigh
Name(de): Bob
Name(se): Bob
Name(ar): بوبسلي
Name(es): Bobsleigh
Name(pt-PT): bobsleigh
Name(pt-BR): bobsled
Name(dk): bobslæde
Name(zh-Hans): 雪橇
Name(no-NB): bob
Name(en-US): bobsleigh
Name(no-NN): bob
Definition(de): Im Bobsport fahren zwei oder vier Athleten in einem Rennschlitten sitzend, der aus einer Verkleidung, einem Rahmen, zwei Achsen und Kufen besteht, eine Bahn (Natureis- oder Kunsteisbahn) hinab. Die Gesamtlaufzeit wird aus den Einzelzeiten der Läufe zusammengezählt und daraus der Gewinner ermittelt
Definition(se): Två eller fyra tävlande sitter i en specialkonstruerad släde och åker nerför en konstgjord isbana.
Definition(en-GB): One, two or four people racing down a course in a sled that consists of a main hull, a frame, two axles and sets of runners. The total time of all heats in a competition is added together to determine the winner.
Definition(pt-PT): Desporto de inverno em que equipas de 2 ou 4 pessoas, sentadas num trenó com casco assente em 4 trilhos de aço, deslizam por uma estreita pista de gelo protegida lateralmente e com muitas curvas.
Definition(pt-BR): Esporte de inverno em que equipes de 2 ou 4 pessoas, sentadas em um trenó com casco assente em 4 trilhos de aço, deslizam por uma estreita pista de gelo protegida lateralmente e com muitas curvas.
Definition(dk): To eller fire konkurrenter sidder i en specielt designet slæde og kører ned ad en kunstig isbane.
Definition(zh-Hans): 在有舵雪橇比赛中,两到四个人坐在雪橇上滑下一条赛道,雪橇由主船体、框架、两个车轴和一组运动员组成。比赛中所有预赛的总时间加在一起来决定获胜者
Definition(en-US): One, two or four people racing down a course in a sled that consists of a main hull, a frame, two axles and sets of runners. The total time of all heats in a competition is added together to determine the winner.
Broader concept: medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20000822
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:15011000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):
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