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Concept ID (QCode) = medtop:20001082, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2009-10-22T02:00:00+00:00 modified: 2021-02-18T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(de): Synchronschwimmen Disziplin
Name(es): Rutina técnica sincronizada
Name(ar): سباحة متزامنة
Name(se): Tekniska programmet
Name(en-GB): synchronised technical routine
Name(fr): Natation synchronisée programme technique
Name(pt-PT): sincronizada
Name(pt-BR): sincronizada
Name(dk): synkronsvømning teknisk rutine
Name(zh-Hans): 规定动作(花样游泳)
Name(no-NB): synkronsvømming teknisk program
Name(en-US): synchronized technical routine
Name(no-NN): synkronsymjing teknisk program
Definition(se): Figursimning där utövaren ska genomföra en specifik serie rörelser och får poäng av domare.
Definition(de): Wettkämpfer erhalten Punkte von einer zehnköpfigen Jury für synchrone artistische Formen und Bewegungen im Wasser. In der technischen Disziplin müssen die Schwimmer eine Rangfolge von speziellen Bewegungen einhalten
Definition(en-GB): Contestants obtain points from 10 sitting judges by executing certain synchronised artistic shapes and movements in the water. In the technical programme, competitors must execute a range of specific moves in a given order.
Definition(pt-PT): Prova em que os nadadores executam determinados movimentos sincronizados e artísticos na água, sendo avaliados por 10 juízes. No programa técnico, os nadadores devem executar uma série de figuras específicas segundo determinada ordem.
Definition(pt-BR): Os nadadores executam determinados movimentos sincronizados e artísticos na água, sendo avaliados por 10 juízes. No programa técnico, os nadadores devem executar uma série de figuras específicas segundo determinada ordem.
Definition(dk): Figursvømning, hvor kunstneren skal udføre en bestemt række bevægelser og modtage point fra dommerne.
Definition(zh-Hans): 十名裁判根据选手在水中的动作的协调程度和艺术效果对运动员打分。在技术编排上,运动员必须按序完成规定的动作
Definition(en-US): Contestants obtain points from 10 sitting judges by executing certain synchronized artistic shapes and movements in the water. In the technical program, competitors must execute a range of specific moves in a given order.
Note(en-GB): 2016-04-05: Broader concept changed
Broader concept: medtop:20001175
Related concept (skos:broader):medtop:20001175
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):subj:15062025
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