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The shown language(s) is/are: x-all
Concept ID (QCode) = subj:02001006, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2004-10-13T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2012-07-10T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(pt-PT): assalto
Name(it): Aggressioni (generico)
Name(en-GB): assault (general)
Name(fr): Agression
Name(es): asalto (general)
Name(pt-BR): assalto
Name(ja-JP): 暴行(一般)
Name(de): Gewalt (allgemein)
Definition(en-GB): Battery, slugfests, brawls and threatening behaviour
Definition(es): Estropicio, puñetazos, reyertas y comportamiento amenzador.
Definition(ja-JP): 殴打、殴り合い、口論(けんか)や脅迫的な行動
Definition(de): Körperverletzung, Prügeleien, Streit und bedrohliches Verhalten.
Definition(it): Comportamenti violenti o quelli atti ad intimidire qualcuno, le risse, violenze personali, percosse, lesioni
Definition(pt-BR): Agressão física, briga, rixa e comportamento ameaçador.
Definition(pt-PT): Agressão física, briga, rixa e comportamento ameaçador.
Definition(fr): Coups et blessures, bagarre et comportement menaçant
Note(it): nessuno
Broader concept: subj:02001000
Related concept (skos:broader):subj:02001000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):medtop:20000084
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