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Concept ID (QCode) = subj:04018001, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2004-08-27T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2012-07-10T12:00:00+00:00 retired:
Name(pt-BR): instituições
Name(de): Institution
Name(en-GB): institution
Name(es): institución
Name(fr): Institution
Name(ja-JP): 制度・機関
Name(it): Istituzioni
Name(pt-PT): instituições
Definition(es): una ley establecida, práctica o sistema o una organización que tiene un proposito social, religioso, educacional o proposito similar, tales como hospital, escuela o prisión.
Definition(pt-BR): Lei estabelecida, prática, sistema ou organização com propósitos sociais, religiosos, educativos ou similares, como hospitais, escolas, prisões.
Definition(ja-JP): 確立された法律、業務、体制、あるいは病院、学校、刑務所のように、社会的/宗教的/教育的に同じ目的を持っている組織
Definition(en-GB): Either an established law, practice or system or an organization having a social, religious, educational or similar purpose such as hospital, school, prison
Definition(pt-PT): Lei estabelecida, prática, sistema ou organização com propósitos sociais, religiosos, educativos ou similares, como hospitais, escolas, prisões.
Definition(fr): Système ou organisation légalement établie
Definition(it): Legge, pratica, sistema o organizzazione avente scopo sociale, religioso, educativo o simili, ad es. ospedali, scuole, prigioni
Definition(de): Jedes bestehende Gesetz, jede Praxis, System oder Organisation, die eine soziale, religiöse, erzieherische oder ähnliche Absicht hat, wie Krankenhaus, Schule oder Gefängnis.
Note(it): era 01018001
Note(en-GB): code changed, was 01018001
Note(es): was 01018001
Note(fr): was 01018001
Broader concept: subj:04018000
Related concept (skos:broader):subj:04018000
Related concept (skos:broadMatch):medtop:04000000
Member of scheme: