NewsCodes Concept

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The shown language(s) is/are: x-all
Concept ID (QCode) = subj:09015000, ID (URI) =
Type: cpnat:abstract created: 2000-10-30T12:00:00+00:00 modified: 2010-12-15T17:01:09+00:00 retired:
Name(en-GB): employer
Name(ja-JP): 雇用者
Name(pt-BR): empregador
Name(de): Arbeitgeber
Name(es): empleadores
Name(fr): Employeurs
Name(it): Datore lavoro
Name(pt-PT): empregador
Definition(es): La persona que emplea a los
Definition(fr): La personne qui emploie des employés, paie les salaires et autres avantages sociaux
Definition(ja-JP): 労働者を雇い、給料やその他の手当てなどを支給する者
Definition(de): Derjenige, der Arbeiter beschäftigt und ihre Löhne und andere Vergütungen zahlt.
Definition(pt-BR): Pessoa que emprega trabalhadores e paga salários e outros benefícios.
Definition(en-GB): The person who employs workers and pays the salaries and other benefits to workers
Definition(pt-PT): Pessoa que emprega trabalhadores e paga salários e outros benefícios.
Definition(it): Chi dà lavoro, paga i salari e le altre competenze dovute
Note(it): nessuno
Broader concept: subj:09000000
Related concept (skos:broader):subj:09000000
Related concept (skos:exactMatch):medtop:20000513
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